Coralie Prévert — visual identity


This might be a little "easy" but when it comes to design something for yourself (your own brand), nothing is really "easy".

Even less when the brand is your own name. It's been a life that you were thinking about self branding, even before the name "self branding" was created. C & P in French aren't easy: "CP" is the class you study when you're 6. Non sense. "PC", well... it means the same as in English.

I tried to put them together, but nothing. 

Then, I realized that they contain the same number of letters: 7. And since the central letters were A & V, instead of starring C & P, I had to focus more logo on them.

Squared version for social networks profils.

Squared version for social networks profils.


Other missions for the same client

  • Print design

  • Packshot pictures

  • Website